Artwork Submission

Before you Start
We normally send out sample films with our information packages. This gives a good indication of the printing quality of our imagesetter devices. Sometimes, however, it is more beneficial to see a film sample that is tailored to your company’s type of work. The best way to do that is to send us one of your digital files that we can print using your specifications.
We prefer to get pre-separated, printer-ready PDF files for output, but we do accept files from the following applications and formats:
Corel Draw
AutoCad 14
When sending files, please make sure to include information on the following:
- Halftone Frequency (LPI)
- Positive or Negative Imaging
- Halftone Angles
- Dot Shape
- Enlargement/Reduction Percentage
Additionally, be sure to include all fonts and support files.
Files can be sent to us by the following methods: CD, DVD, or email ( Please email for information on our FTP site.
Email Instructions: Place document, fonts, and support files in a folder and use Stuffit or Winzip to compress before attaching to an email.
Please use traditional mail or email us for FTP information if the compressed file is larger than 10 MB. Please send files to the following email address: or fill out the form below: